I call mine “Old Messages” but you could use “Archive” “Important Emails” “Old Inbox Emails” or whatever you like. You can just move all your messages to a new folder. As long as those emails aren’t stored in the official inbox, they won’t cause problems for Mail. Outlook for Mac 2011 caches your mail items in an identity in your home folder at the following location: /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities Like Microsoft Entourage for Mac 2008, Outlook 2016 for Mac and Outlook for Mac 2011 are intended to be purely locally cached mail clients. Personally, I love having a clean slate!īut what if you don’t have the time to go through all of your messages? What if you delete something that ends up being important later? Here’s a little secret: you can have the benefits of a clean inbox without having to do any organizing at all. Plus, it’s nice to clean out the inbox from time to time for your own productivity. Even if you have enough space on the computer to store thousands and thousands of messages, like we do, it will slow down the Mail program if they’re all stored in the inbox. Mail isn’t designed to keep a lot of emails in the Inbox for the long term. If you’re using the Apple Mail program to manage your email accounts, it’s important to make sure that you don’t let emails pile up in the Inbox section. Having too many emails in the inbox can be really overwhelming, for you and for your computer. It’s an easy way to cure sluggishness in the Apple Mail application in OSX. Here’s a quick fix you can try right now to speed up your Mac computer.